The Skinny: May Edition

I’ve been so absent here and I know it..I feel bad! With the virus being so rampant in Michigan, the horrible flooding, and now the protests with the death of George Floyd, I’ve just had other things on my mind. It’s all surreal.

I thought about foregoing this blog post, and although it’s a little late, I thought I would still share it. I’m trying to keep things normal or at least I’m trying to find a new normal. I’ve been so sad…and I feel as though one of the only things that helps is writing.

Apart from the current state of the world, so much has happened in the past month – I’m trying to buy a house, my laptop died so I’m dealing with that..and work is crazy! I’ve been trying to keep myself occupied. The weather has finally started to warm up so we’ve been spending a lot of time outside in the yard. My bee garden is looking so pretty this year and I can’t wait to plant more in it!

I’ve been consumed by social media with the events taking place and I’ve found my “escape” to be online shopping. Worry not, I’ve made donations to numerous funds and I’ve signed so many petitions. Many of these purchases took place before any of this happend, but I just wanted to put that out there.

1. LaRedoute duvet cover – I found this duvet cover online and I was instantly smitten. I also needed a change for my bedding. I waited until there was a sale (typical me) and I snatched one up! It arrived last month and it’s absolutely gorgeous! I love floral patterns…yes, I am a grandma. But it makes me happy so that’s all that matters!

2. Apple Magic Keyboard for iPad – I love my iPad Pro. It can do so much! I carry it with me every day. From watching shows to paint by number to coloring pages and editing photos, it really can do it all! The only thing that was cumbersome before was writing blog posts because I didn’t have an actual keyboard. Typing on a touch screen is not the best, but I made do. I sold some things I had in storage that I no longer wanted in an effort to pay for this keyboard because it is not cheap. I was able to sell enough to pay for it and purchased it right away. It also arrived last month, I’m typing on it right now! It is truly incredible. I’m so happy with it and it was definitely worth the price tag. Apple finally caught up with the ChromeBook! Now, if only I could use my external hard drive to export edited photos onto….

3. Sézane x Vanity Boum lamps – I have seen photos of these lamps for so long and always admired them from afar. They were a limited edition lamp created for a collaboration. I need lamps for my nightstands as I left all of my lamps in Washington when I moved. A couple of weeks ago, Sézane announced they were producing more of these gorgeous lamps and I snagged two of them! The bulbs and power converters I ordered from Amazon took forever to arrive but I finally have them set up and they are beaaaut! I’ll have to do a photo post of my room once I’ve got a new laptop to edit on!

4. Normal People – I started watching this show and it instantly became one of my all-time-favorites. I binged it in a couple of days and I want to watch it over and over. I’m sure you’ve heard about it by now as it was an instant hit. I can’t recommend it enough – definitely a good binge.

5. Haws – I’ve admired Haws water jugs for a while and I’ve always been enamored with the sage color. I decided to purchase the sage water jug and the copper 1L watering can (I’m going to get a fiddle leaf fig bush soon). The quality is so good and the best part is that they look like decor as well..a dual usage!

There’s plenty more I could talk about but this post is already long enough so I think I’ll leave it here. I know many people have splurged during quarantine on unnecessary items; I’d love to hear about your best and worst quarantine purchases! I’d also love to hear about any petitions and funds you’ve contributed to; I’m always on the lookout for more.

Until next time…


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